Thursday, July 17, 2008

JULY 17 / Whatever happened to Judas?
Jesus was betrayed to the authorities by one of his twelve closest followers. In Western culture, the betrayer's name, Judas, has become synonymous with supreme and unforgivable disloyalty. Thus when New Mexico's governor, Bill Richardson, a former cabinet officer in the Clinton administration, endorsed Senator Barack Obama, not Senator Hillary Clinton, for president, Clinton loyalist James Carville said, "Mr. Richardson's endorsement came right around the day [in Easter week] when Judas sold out for 30 pieces of silver, so I think the timing is appropriate, if ironic."

Calling a betrayer Judas not only insults the target for his disloyalty, but it also implies that the betrayed person is a righteous or Jesus-like person. Mr. Carville implied as much about Senator Clinton. Another implication is that the betrayer had better watch out: He faces a horrible end.

Acts 1 tells how Judas used the reward money -- the famous 30 pieces of silver -- to buy land. "There he fell headlong, his body burst open and all his intestines spilled out" (Acts 1:18).

Judas's betrayal of Jesus created a vacancy in the ranks of the apostles. Acts 1 tells how it was filled with a man named Matthias, who was chosen by lot.

Casting lots must have been something like throwing dice. To the modern sensibility, the outcome might seem random or, at best, guided by probability. To the sensibility of a believer, however, God -- the omnipotent or all-powerful ruler of the universe -- determined the outcome. The group prayed before casting lots: "Show us which of these two you have chosen to take over this apostolic ministry . . ." (Acts 1:24).

One basis for Christian opposition to recreational gambling or gambling as a business is that it is seen as toying with that which is the prerogative of God.

Acts 1 also signals the emergence of an apostle named Peter as the leader of the group. Jesus had earlier picked him for the role, by blessing him, by renaming him as Peter (which means rock) rather than Simon, then by declaring: "[A]nd on this rock I will build my church" (Matthew 16:18).

Tomorrow's reading is Acts 2:1-13, the coming of the Holy Spirit on the Day of Pentecost, the foundational moment in the creation of the Christian church.

Judas Iscariot
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"Iscariot" redirects here. For the Iscariot featured in the anime series "Hellsing", see Iscariot (Hellsing).
For other uses, see Judas.
Judas Iscariot (died April AD 29–33, Hebrew: יהודה איש־קריות‎ Yəhûḏāh ʾΚ-qəriyyôṯ) was, according to the New Testament, one of the twelve original apostles of Jesus. Among the twelve, he was apparently designated to keep account of the "money bag" (Grk. γλωσσόκομον),[1] but he is most traditionally known for his role in Jesus' betrayal into the hands of Roman authorities.[2]

His name is also associated with a Gnostic gospel, the Gospel of Judas, that exists in an early fourth century Coptic text. Judas has been a figure of great interest to esoteric groups, such as many Gnostic sects, and has also been the subject of many philosophical writings.

Judas Dies Twice
And he cast down the pieces of silver in the temple, and departed, and went and hanged himself. -- Matt. xxvii, 5.

Now this man purchased a field with the reward of iniquity: and falling headlong, he burst asunder in the midst, and all his bowels gushed

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